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Lifelong Learning - What's Next For Me?

Photo by Monica Melton on Unsplash

I'm about to wrap up my third and fourth courses within my PIDP studies, 3250: Instructional Strategies and 3260: Professional Practice. And so my mind is beginning to think about what is next, both for this diploma as well as the future of my learning.

For my PIDP I think I'm going to take 3230: Evaluation of Learning as well as 3240: Media Enhanced Learning as my next two courses. These two are slightly staggered so I won't experience as many double deadlines as I have with the two courses I'm wrapping up now.

Outside of my diploma, I'm on the hunt for any learning that can bolster my existing facilitation and training skills. One of the many benefits of being enrolled with VCC is access to LinkedIn Learning and the plethora of courses available. Since starting my course I have already completed;

  • Developing Your Emotional Intelligence

  • The Manager's Guide to Difficult Conversations

  • Unlocking Authentic Communication in a Culturally-Diverse Workplace

  • Coaching and Developing Employees

I'm also slowly working through Coaching for Results as well as Social Media Marketing Foundations. The latter is to help grow my Jiu Jitsu club Tuff City Jiu Jitsu!

With my long-term goal of moving out of the hospitality industry and into teaching, I'm also on the lookout for courses that will supplement my teaching toolbox. Right To Be offers some great training such as Bystander Intervention for Educators which I attended in January. I'm going to be keeping a close eye on their offering this year as their offerings are very well put together and all the more important nowadays.

As one of my hobbies is Jiu Jitsu, I'm hoping to attend some more courses and seminars put on by other practitioners, as well as bring instructors to Tofino to teach at the club. In fact, we have a visiting instructor coming down next week to share their knowledge with us!

Finally, I'm always open to training opportunities that are adjacent to my current skills, as well as one that are not related at all, so if you know of anything you think I might enjoy then please comment below!


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