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Let's Get Real - Willingly Running into Difficult Conversations

If you are like most of us then the title above might just seem terrifying! Having difficult conversations is something that I have found many people shy away from and actively avoid. After all, if we ignore it it might just resolve itself, right?

Unfortunately, if we want to resolve issues we're having, more often than not, we're going to have to have a difficult conversation. These issues could be with colleagues, students, friends, partners, and even strangers. And if we want to get the best outcome then we need to have some knowledge of how to do just that.

I'd like to share some resources that have helped me open up to the idea that difficult conversations don't have to be difficult!

First up is an amazing TEDx Talk by Joy Baldridge titled Difficult Conversations Made Easy. Joy has a very fun and energetic delivery style and this video offers some great tips!

Second is a book that you might have heard about called Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Grenny, Patterson, McMillan, Switzler & Gregory. I'm sure you can find it at your local bookstore, or if you know me then I'm happy to lend you my copy. This book contains a wealth of information and it is written in a way that makes you want to keep reading and learn more!

Thirdly is a video by Mel Robbins called How To Have Difficult Conversations. This video shares 4 techniques that you can use to have these conversations. I have used this video along with the two resources above to create a custom training for my team, and it has been very well received.

Watch these videos, read the book, and then come back to this blog and comment on what your biggest "wow" moment was.

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Feb 13
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

A very important topic. Well researched and documented.

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