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Video Resources to Support Learning

Specifically a collection of videos for 3100: Foundations of Adult Education.

If I were to ask you what type of media would help you learn best what would your answer be?

Video? Infographics? Old school book reading? Podcasts? AI downloading information into your brain.....

For me, it has always been video. I like the pretty pictures! In all seriousness, I enjoy being able to pause to think about what was just said, as well as rewind and review, and of course, being able to watch it back repeatedly.

I do find myself taking notes, and often transcribing entire sections rather than paraphrasing to save time, and because they said it so well. And re-reading notes can be a little quicker than re-watching a video, so when you need a quick recap you can skim the notes for the important points and you're back up to speed (no pun intended).

While I was undertaking the first class of my Provincial Instructor Diploma Program at VCC, our instructor Glenn Galy created a great selection of resources to support our learning. From links to peer-reviewed journals, YouTube videos, other blogs, teaching websites, etc. Glenn provided some really varied resources. So I'm going to share the video resources with you.

I've combined them into a playlist that I've embedded below.

Now some of these video creators have further resources to be discovered so I would suggest checking them out on YouTube if you want to dive further into the subject or their content.

Check out the playlist and the creators and let me know what you think down below in the comments!


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