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Am I losing my job to a robot? How AI can help (or hinder) guest service in Luxury Hotels.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is certainly a hot topic nowadays with many industries highlighting it in their trend reports for 2023 and beyond (Weisskopf, J., Masset, P. (n.d.), Pelletier, K., et al. (2023)). Performing a Google search for Artificial Intelligence brings back over one billion results in fractions of a second (Google 2023)! But how can AI and luxury hotels work together to help and not hinder their guest service?

A word that appears very frequently in Frackiewiz’s 2023 article titled “How AI is Redefining Luxury in the Hospitality Industry” is analyzing. The power of AI to “analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends” including “booking history, … and online behaviour”, “guest preferences and market trends” as well as “demand [and] competitor pricing” will certainly benefit luxury hotels by speeding up a process that would take a human much more time. All of this information is usually gathered by staff during reservation calls, or personal interactions once guests are in house, and often over multiple visits. This process is often very time-consuming and relies on staff actively capturing guest information. Many hotels will note guest preferences in their systems, but when a hotel uses multiple systems throughout a variety of outlets then things can slip through the cracks. If AI can sift through all this data to provide staff with a complete guest profile at the touch of a button or click of a mouse then this will free up the staff and allow them to focus on “maintaining the personal connections that make luxury experiences truly special.”

So, do I have to worry about being replaced by the sheer analytical powers of AI?

I think the answer to this question can best be given by Charles McDiarmid, the Managing Director and Owner of the Wickaninnish Inn who was quoted in an article by Insights Success (n.d.) as saying, “Technology helps to drive our service levels, allowing us to provide ever higher levels of guest attention and interaction rather than reducing our reliance on the human touch.” This sentiment is echoed by Laura Calin of Oracle Hospitality who says, “technology is most useful when it functions alongside workers who can be on-site to provide a “human touch.”” (Roelings 2023). Roelings goes on to mention that “[Tech] can't replace the unique, empathetic service from staff. They provide memorable experiences and connections that tech can't mimic. The goal is to use technology to enable, not replace, human interaction, at the right moment in the guest journey.”

There you have it. Unless you have the guest service skills of an automaton you’re probably not going to be replaced anytime soon. So, leverage that tech to allow you to give the best in-person service you can and you should be safe. But just in case, “All hail our robot overlords!” (Corbett 2023)

Frackiewicz,M. (2023) How AI is Redefining Luxury in the Hospitality Industry

Insights Success (n.d.) Wickaninnish Inn: Indulge in a Haven of Luxury and Sustainability

Luxury Lifestyle Awards (2023) AI in Luxury Hospitality: How Artificial Intelligence is Redefining Service Excellence in High-End Hotels and Resorts

Pelletier, K., Robert, J,. Muscanell, N., McCormack, M., Reeves, J., Arbino, N, and Grajek, S., with Birdwell, T., Liu, D., Mandernach, J,. Moore, A., Porcaro, A., Rutledge, R., and Zimmern, J. (2023) EDUCAUSE Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning Edition.

Roelings, H. (2023) HUMAN STACK vs TECH STACK.

Weisskopf, J., Masset, P. (n.d.) 2023 Top Hospitality Industry Trends.


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